What is the New York Center for Energy & Carbon Management Training (E-CMT)?
This new training program is led by The CUNY Institute for Urban Systems – Building Performance Lab (CUNY BPL). It offers training in building energy fundamentals with a focus on hands-on lab experience and opportunities to gain multiple industry-recognized professional certifications. It aims to create a diverse workforce skilled in new building energy technologies, particularly for the Weatherization Assistance Program.
Who is eligible to participate in this program?
The program targets new workforce entrants, including college students, youth with a HS diploma or GED, adults re-entering the labor market or changing careers, veterans, and formerly incarcerated individuals. It also caters to incumbent workers in the energy sector seeking further specialization.
What kind of certifications can I earn through this program?
Participants can earn various industry-recognized certifications, including those from the Building Performance Institute (BPI), the Northwest Energy Efficiency Council (NEEC), and others.
How long is the program, and what is the time commitment?
The program runs through 2027. It will consist of four 45 hour courses. Training durations vary with options for different levels of commitment, depending on whether participants are matriculated students or pursuing continuing education.
Is this program suitable for people with no prior experience in energy technology?
Yes, the program is designed for both beginners and those with experience, offering foundational courses and advanced specializations.
Are there any costs involved in participating in the program?
Initial offerings may be free for pilot participants with a stipend available to cover registration or tuition fees.
How does this program support diverse and non-traditional students?
The program aims to achieve a diversity, equity, and inclusion target of at least 50% from disadvantaged communities. Stipend support and wrap-around services are available based on need.
What kind of hands-on experience will I get?
Participants will engage in lab work, workshops, and field visits. Students will also have the opportunity to be placed into paid traineeships within the Weatherization Assistance Program.
Can I participate in the program while working or attending school?
The program offers flexible scheduling with part-time engagement, catering to working professionals and students alike.
How do I apply for the program, and what is the deadline?
The deadline varies based on the campus where you wish to take the courses. Please complete the online interest form, and we will share specific registration information with you.
What kind of support services are available for participants?
Support services include stipends for transportation, subsidies for child care, and career planning and academic support.