Building Operator Certification

Improve Your Building Performance

Building Operator Certification (BOC) is a 64-hour, nationally-recognized training program for commercial and institutional operators focusing on energy and operational improvements.

It can help organizations and individuals achieve energy savings and make operational improvements that can in turn help owners improve their Building Energy Efficiency Rating letter grade and prepare for Local Law 97 carbon caps, which begin in 2024.

For more than a decade, BPL has teamed up with local partners including the City of New York and hospitals to offer BOC training to thousands of building operators. Today, BPL is bringing BOC to the wider NYC real estate market – sessions are held in-person or online.

Benefits of BOC training:

  • Reduced energy costs and improved practices mean the average BOC graduate saves their employer as much as $20,000 a year.
  • Many graduates report that training leads to career advancement opportunities. 
  • Instructors are O&M professionals who are experts in the unique needs of NYC buildings.
  • A key component of BOC training is facility projects, so participants get practical, energy-saving experience in real time with the support of their instructor.
  • And much more – learn about the program in detail and read testimonials from BPL’s BOC graduates and training clients.

BOC Curriculum Includes:

  • HVAC Systems & Equipment
  • Indoor Air Quality
  • Electrical Systems & Equipment
  • Efficient Lighting Fundamental
  • Energy Data Analysis
  • O&M Practices for Sustainable Buildings
  • Energy Conservation Techniques

Students will learn how to:

  • Decrease energy costs
  • Calculate energy and demand savings
  • Determine equipment replacement priorities
  • Improve system and equipment performance
  • Recommend specific system improvements
  • Manage occupant comfort

Online Course

Classes include time off in between sessions to allow for project work at participants’ facilities. 

Eligibility: You must have a minimum of 2 years of work and/or educational experience in a facilities-management related field – full details here.

Cost: For organizations looking to set up training for their staff, please inquire about pricing at


Held over Sixteen 4-hour sessions:

  • Topic 1: Energy Efficient Operation of HVAC Systems
  • Topic 2: Measuring & Benchmarking Energy Performance
  • Topic 3: Efficient Lighting Fundamentals
  • Topic 4: HVAC Controls Fundamentals
  • Topic 5: Indoor Environmental Quality
  • Topic 6: Common Opportunities for Low-Cost Operational Improvement
  • Supplemental Class
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